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There are many things that can and can not be explained in this world, and until recently I thought that aromatherapy and essential oils fell into that category.  I thought that because these oils were basically the oils that came from distilling plant parts that they were really just a type of perfume.  Turn out that nothing can be further from the truth.  Here’s the basic concept:  When you eat food, it is a set of chemicals, all of which have some type of action on your body: caffeine will stimulate you, sugar will spike (then crash…) you energy levels, some foods will “comfort” you….  All food has some effect beyond merely fueling and nourishing your body.  Essential oils act in the same way.  Basically, they do smell good at their most basic level of function, but to stop there would be saying that food is just calories.  There are many documented uses for essential oils, such as the following:  lavender essential oil when applied directly to a fresh burn can hasten recovery and reduce the pain associated with a burn.  Another example, basil essential oil has a broad range of uses include culinary, digestive help, helps with nausea and hiccups.

There are literally hundreds and hundreds of different essential oils ranging from distilled oils, absolutes and “macerations” or oil essences being infused into another oil.  Try searching for ailments you may suffer from and add the term “essential oil” to the search string and see what comes up.  You will likely find results ranging from emotional, to physical, and spiritual and so on.  There is a whole world out there that we dont understand because we can’t see it…..  Give it a try!

I have been waking up in the middle of the night for some time now.  At first, it caused me angst as I often found it difficult to go back to sleep.  Then I realized it was an opportunity to think and pray.  Spending some time in thought and prayer and mostly just feeling grateful brings me back to sleep more quickly and often i have great ideas and inspirations.  Writing this blog was one of them.  Time will tell if this was a great idea….

Thanks for reading.