My wife has friend who recently had their hard drive burn up on a 3 month old computer…..  EVERYTHING GONE.  Don’t let this be you.  Backing up your mac or PC is so cheap and easy to do nowadays that everyone should be doing it.  And please dont buy your own external drives and do the back ups your self.  This is too prone to error and failure and often lacks the redundancy needed to do it correctly.  Try using an online service that does all of this for you, and does it automatically while your computer is in use or resting.  Brilliant stuff.  The service I have been using is called Mozy.  They are the market leader and a great service in my opinion.  And you can try it now for free by clicking this link:

Click here to try Mozy for FREE!

In full disclosure, that is an affiliate link, and i will make a small commission if you use that link and actually buy the service. What can I say….. Baby needs new shoes…..

There are many things that can and can not be explained in this world, and until recently I thought that aromatherapy and essential oils fell into that category.  I thought that because these oils were basically the oils that came from distilling plant parts that they were really just a type of perfume.  Turn out that nothing can be further from the truth.  Here’s the basic concept:  When you eat food, it is a set of chemicals, all of which have some type of action on your body: caffeine will stimulate you, sugar will spike (then crash…) you energy levels, some foods will “comfort” you….  All food has some effect beyond merely fueling and nourishing your body.  Essential oils act in the same way.  Basically, they do smell good at their most basic level of function, but to stop there would be saying that food is just calories.  There are many documented uses for essential oils, such as the following:  lavender essential oil when applied directly to a fresh burn can hasten recovery and reduce the pain associated with a burn.  Another example, basil essential oil has a broad range of uses include culinary, digestive help, helps with nausea and hiccups.

There are literally hundreds and hundreds of different essential oils ranging from distilled oils, absolutes and “macerations” or oil essences being infused into another oil.  Try searching for ailments you may suffer from and add the term “essential oil” to the search string and see what comes up.  You will likely find results ranging from emotional, to physical, and spiritual and so on.  There is a whole world out there that we dont understand because we can’t see it…..  Give it a try!

I have noticed a lot recently that many people I know are “Spiritual but not religious”.  I probably fall into this category as well.  The problem with this badge or distinction is that too often it means that we believe in a greater power but it is left largely unexplored.  It also means that we have found the organization of religion or the execution of religion unfulfilling.  The good thing about religion however, which doesn’t seem to make the jump to being “spiritual” is the practice and community aspects of religion.  The practice part is what I want to spend some time with today.

Regular prayer, meditation, chanting are all a good start.  But what about some of the more challenges like fasting, taking certain vows, undertaking a pilgrimage or spending time alone in the desert?  These seem to me like the aspects of spirituality within religions that are satisfying and allow us to feel closer to our creator.  It is the politics, righteousness, and dogma that keep most of us away from being religious.

I am coming around to the idea that I might undertake one of the following:

1) follow a religious practice, but be flexible with my beliefs and avoiding the dogma


2) Create my own daily practice (prayer, inner reflection) that also includes deeper practices like fasting, and pilgrimages.

It is not enough to say I am spiritual but not religious.  Without a practice, without a means of connecting to the almighty, I would say I am neither spiritual nor religious.  I am just bumping along.

Purpose and Life

I know these post titles seem to promise quite a bit…… I always start with the best of intentions but somehow the posts seem different from the titles… :)

In my last post I talked briefly about purpose in life and how that might tie in to meaning.  I want to cover two things that I have found to be true, at least in my own personal experience.  The first is that if you don’t follow the guidance that you receive, eventually the universe will conspire to push you along that path by whatever means necessary.  The second is that you don’t get to know the outcome of any guidance you receive.  So on one hand, we have no assurances as to how things will turn out, and on the other, if we dont follow our heart something will pop up to push us in that direction anyway.

I am going to jump into the second topic first.  When I say “guidance”, I am talking about a feeling, heartfelt and from deep within you, a “knowing” of what you should do.  Often times it is the answer to the question ” What would you do if you were not afraid?” or “What would you do if you were certain of the outcome?”.  We are so afraid of uncertainty that we would prefer to ignore our deepest longings than to risk what we currently have.  Here’s the catch, if you want to follow that “calling” then you have to let go and see what turns up.  You have to follow what you can create and what shows up in your path.  I don’t think it will turn out the way we want it to.  It never has for me…. But it has always brought me to a richer place in my life.  How do I know?  I have done this at several points in my life, and I am doing it right now.   The more you follow what your inner voice tells you, the more help you will receive and the more guidance you receive.   Try it sometime if you dare.

Not following guidance is something I have also been guilty of.  I will give a brief example.  I was in a job that was not a good fit for me.  There was nothing wrong with the job or company per se, it just wasn’t a good fit for me.  The things I had to do as part of my work were contrary to my personal sense of integrity.  Nothing against standard business rules or the law, just things that were not OK with me.  make sense?  So I stuck with this job LONG after my own inner voice was telling me to leave, screaming at me to leave, begging me to leave. But the job paid well and gave me a sense of importance so I stayed.  Well, perhaps it is coincidence or perhaps not, but I began to be sick.  I wont go into the details, but it was not easy and it persisted for months and months.  Eventually, I left the job and when I did, I began to get better.  Although I am still dealing with the residual effects of this, I am sure that if I had followed my inner voice from the beginning, I would have moved on from the job without getting ill.  My lesson: ignore your inner voice at your peril.

What does all this have to do with Purpose?  I have found that when I follow my inner voice or guidance, even or especially without any guarantee of what the outcome will be, it has led me to a place of being in line with my integrity and dreams.  A bit nutty I realize, but I have found a sense of purpose.

I have been thinking a lot lately of what is a life.  Starting with the obvious things like “why are we here?” and “is there a meaning?” and have discovered something interesting…. The more you ponder the question, think about people you know, people you have lost, people you lost touch with, the more a pattern starts to reveal itself, at least in my feelings…

If an alien ship landed on our planet and tried to decipher the meaning of life by observing the behavior of Americans, they might think that we are really about working and spending.  We miss birthdays, holidays, big milestones and (perhaps most importantly) the little milestones in life that happen every day in order to ensure our place in the pecking order, our job security and our economic standing.  We then spend beyond our means to fill the hole that has developed in our life from a lack of connectedness to others, or the feelings that our importance or meaning in life is based on the things we own or the status they convey to us….

I have started to see my own life not only in the context of me, but where I fit in the the line of those who came before me and those who will come after me.  Do I enrich the world o do I take from it?  Do I help to build, or do I work against things?  Or do i just sit on the sidelines hoping nobody will notice?  Since we are not given the insight of knowing what happens after we leave this life, I have found that a sense of purpose is the strongest anchor one can have.  A sense of purpose is not your job by the way.  It may be, but in most cases I believe it is not.  It is what givs you meaning and it may be more than one thing.

I have been working on finding purpose and aligning myself to that for several years.  It has been hard to break up the old patterns and comforts but I am now starting to make some progress.  More on this tomorrow.

I have been waking up in the middle of the night for some time now.  At first, it caused me angst as I often found it difficult to go back to sleep.  Then I realized it was an opportunity to think and pray.  Spending some time in thought and prayer and mostly just feeling grateful brings me back to sleep more quickly and often i have great ideas and inspirations.  Writing this blog was one of them.  Time will tell if this was a great idea….

Thanks for reading.